Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer®
As a Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer (CADDCT®), you will be certified to present our comprehensive Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care (ADDC) curriculum to professionals across multiple industries within the geriatric healthcare industry.
Learn more about getting your CADDCT Training Certification.

Where do I start?
How to Become a CADDCT
There are two pathways to obtaining your CADDCT. One for existing members, and one for new members.
You're an Existing Member
If you’re already certified as a CDP, simply log into your existing account, and click the tab that says, “apply for another certification”. Choose “CADDCT”.
You're a New Member
Click here to create an account and begin your application.
Overview of the ADDC Curriculum
The ADDC curriculum consists of 11 modules, to be presented over 7 hours. Here is a brief overview of the content:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Dementia: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment, Statistics, Screening Tests
- Chapter 2: Communication and Feelings
- Chapter 3: Depression and Repetitive Expressions
- Chapter 4: Delusions, Hallucinations, Hoarding, & Wandering (Walking Behavior)
- Chapter 5: Aggressive Behaviors, Catastrophic Reactions, Intimacy, and Sexuality
- Chapter 6: Personal Care: Pain, Nutrition, Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, Nutrition, Falls and Sleep Disturbances
- Chapter 7: Activities
- Chapter 8: Environment
- Chapter 9: Staff, Family Support, Abuse and Neglect Prevention
- Chapter 10: Diversity and Cultural Competence
- Chapter 11: Spiritual Care and End-of-Life Issues
What Do I Need to Apply?
To complete your CADDCT application, you will need to upload the following:
- Your resume
- Your college degree OR online transcripts OR proof of a valid license from your state’s registry if you were required to have a college degree to obtain the license (such as RN, OT, etc)
- A sample in-service or other material that you have presented. It can be on any topic and in any format (PowerPoint, outline, flyer, etc)
Who is the CADDCT certificate for?
The CADDCT certification is ideal for those who wish to provide dementia education to their staff, referral sources, and other contacts.
Where can a CADDCT teach?
CADDCTs can present the ADDC seminar where they are employed, on their own as a side business, or a hybrid of both. We have a calendar on our website for CADDCTs to post their classes, as well as a registry for potential customers to reference who are searching for a CADDCT to hire to train at their facility. CADDCTs may present the ADDC seminar for state and national associations.
What is needed to present the ADDC seminar?
The CADDCT trainer will need the following equipment: laptop with media player, projector or smart TV, screen, extension cords, and a speaker when presenting to larger audiences of more than 10. The ADDC PowerPoint curriculum and NCCDP Aging and Intimacy video are provided
on a flash drive.
All CADDCTs must provide a student handout notebook to each of their students. These are purchased via our Marketplace on our printer’s website.
How often do I have to renew my CADDCT?
CADDCT renewal is every two years and includes both the CADDCT and CDP certification.
What does the CADDCT seminar include?
The CADDCT seminar includes the ADDC curriculum in PowerPoint on a flash drive, a master student handout notebook, instructor manual, NCCDP Intimacy and Aging Video on a flash drive (sexuality video dealing with staff concerns), reference books that include the environment, diagnosis and communication (subject to change), pretest and posttest for students, sample brochure, sample class certificate, sample sign-in sheet, information on database development, information on obtaining approval for CEU’s, suggested fees to charge, and certifications as a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) and Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer (CADDCT)
What does it cost to become a CADDCT?
$2,500 if registering 60 days prior to the start of the seminar
$2,800 for registrations up to two weeks before the seminar
We offer discounts for multiple CADDCT registrations. Contact NCCDP for more details.
NO REFUNDS if you cancel 14 (NO REFUNDS if you cancel 7 days prior to the class date) days prior to the class date.
ALL CANCELLATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE CLASS. There is a $750.00 cancellation fee. Email nccdpoffice@nccdp.org for any cancellation questions.

Links and FAqs
Information You Need & More About Becoming a CADDCT
Click through the drop-down list to find answers and information about the process of becoming a CADDCT.