Distributed Training
Our “Distributed Training” (sometimes referred to as “Train the Trainer”) is a strategic approach to staff education, empowering organizations to cultivate in-house expertise and disseminate knowledge across their teams.

Where do I start?
Our 4 Distinct Trainer Certifications
At the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners, we’ve refined this model to specialize in dementia care, offering four distinct trainer certifications:
CADDCT™ (Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer™)
This certification equips trainers with comprehensive strategies and tools to educate healthcare professionals on the nuances of Alzheimer’s and dementia care.
CFRDT® (Certified First Responder Dementia Trainer®)
Tailored for first responders, this certification focuses on the unique challenges and best practices for emergency situations involving individuals with dementia. (NOTE: It is not required to be in a first responder profession to receive this certification. There are many CADDCTs that are currently providing this training.)
CCPDT® (Certified Correctional Personnel Dementia Trainer®):
Designed for correctional facility staff, this certification addresses the complexities of managing dementia within the correctional system.
CMDCPT® (Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional Trainer®)
Merging Montessori principles with dementia care, this certification is rooted in person-centered care and provides trainers with the methodology to enhance cognitive and social functions of persons with dementia.